Saturday, August 28, 2010


After school last Friday I threw this together for lunch, combining a lot of different elements from my fridge. I really like the tastes and textures that resulted and have made it a few times since. It's simple, easy and tastes great.
The measurements are rough as this is more of a throw together deal, but I have attempted to give an estimation of each.
I tweaked and doubled the ingredients to make it for 3, but it could be a smaller meal for 4.

Baby spinach leaves
Cherry tomatoes (about 8)
Feta Cheese (A really creamy one like Danish Feta)
1 Large Avocado
2 Slices of White Bread
2-3 Slices of bacon
2 Eggs
1 Large spring onion

Olive oil

Firstly, chuck the spinach leaves into a large bowl, I use about two big handfuls. Slice the spring onion finely and add to the bowl. Cut about 5cm off the Feta and dice into cubes.

Slice the cherry tomatoes in half and grill on high until the edges begin to blacken. The juices are very hot so I tend to hold the bowl near the grill and quickly chuck them in.

Fry the bacon in a shallow fry pan on medium heat - don't use oil as the bacon has enough fat to grease the pan - drain over a folded paper towel to remove oil.
While the bacon is resting, whisk the two eggs in a small bowl with salt and pepper. Pour into pan to make an omelete. When the bottom is beginning to brown use a spatula to flip the omelete over - it only needs a small amount of time on the second side, so don't leave it for too long. Tip the omelete onto a plate and rest.
Cut or tear the bacon and omelete into small pieces and add to bowl.

Toast the bread. I like to cut off the crusts and slice the rest into squares as this makes it easier to eat.

I tend to leave the avocado til last to reduce the oxidation, but it doesn't really matter. Just split the avocado, dice the flesh and spoon into the bowl.

Use the lime and olive oil to make a light dressing. I generally use about 2 parts lime to 3 oil and shake this up with some seasoning.
I don't use much as it can clash with the flavour of the egg. Drizzle a little over the salad.

Toss the salad well, you want the feta to spread throughout to give a really nice creamy texture.

Eat immediately!

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